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Digital books publishing

Helicon technologies is entring a new field of activity.
Digital publishing using the EPUB format.
As of August 6, 2012 we are also a member of IDPF a consortium of companies responsible for the EPUB standard. 

Respiration system main board tester

We have completed building an Automatic tester for GE health care iVent 101 respiration system. you can read more about it here

I2C communication for FT4232H

A new page was added about new freesoftware code (GPL)
I2C implementation for FTDI's FT4232H.
This implementation is using the free libftdi currently on Linux only.

15/4/2011 - Content Management System updated

The content mangement system operating this site was updated to a newer version.
The new version have better support for BiLingual sites and better management interface.

26/1/2010 - Linux bringup on ARM7

A description of old but still relevant work done on bringing up Linux on ARM7

18/7/2007 - Programmaticaly reading process status

A new tip in Linux programming was added.
This time on Programmaticaly reading process status.

18/7/2007 - Programmaticaly reading CPU load

A new tip was added on reading CPU load

24/12/2004 - Linux services update

The Products & services page was updated to reflect the activity of Helicon in the field of Embedded linux.

15/12/2004 - Linux bringup on PowerPC

A story of Linux bring-up on PowerPC (MPC8260)
This work was done in cooperation with Codefidence Ltd.

12/12/2004 - White paper on BAYER to RGB conversion

A short white paper about converting from Bayer Color Filter Array (Bayer-CFA) to RGB was added
You can see the white paper here
